Sector Training Committees


Sector Training Committees (STCs), are functional committees, constituted by the NITA Board (NITB), under the Industrial Training Act, Cap 237, to oversee the up-skilling of workers in a specific sector.

The Role of STCs

  1. Facilitate registration of employers for NITA levy compliance;
  2. Determine Sector Training Needs and approve Annual Training Plans;
  3. Develop Industrial Training programmes including; Occupational competence standards, testing and certification systems, approval of capacity for employers to offer apprenticeship, internship, and attachment, and accreditation.
  4. Recommending Training Providers and Assessors for registration by the Authority including Master Craftsmen and assessors.
  5. Profiling of stand-out training providers.
  6. Recommending mechanisms for improving Industrial Training Levy collection and
  7. Recommending new trade areas for Trade Testing.

In light of that spirit, the Terms of Reference for STCs are:-

  1. Registration of employers for NITA regulation and levy compliance.
  2. Determining Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and approving annual training plans.
  3. Developing Industrial Training Schemes including; training curricula/programmes, training and assessment guidelines for industrial training and Occupational Competence Standards.
  4. Recommend training providers and assessors for registration by the Authority.
  5. Recommend mechanisms for improving Industrial Training Levy collection.

Current Economic Sectors as restructured.

The economic sectors are organized into nine (9) thematic areas as follows:

  1. Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing & Allied Agencies (ALF)
  2. Mining, Oil, Gas, Quarrying & Allied Agencies (MOQ)
  3. Manufacturing & Allied Agencies (MAA)
  4. Energy, Electricity, Water & Allied Agencies (EGW)
  5. Infrastructure & Allied agencies (IAA)
  6. Commercial, Distributive, Wholesale, Retail Trade & Allied Agencies (CDWR)
  7. Transport, Storage, Communication & Allied Agencies (TSC)
  8. Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Business Services & Allied Agencies (FRB)
  9. Government Ministries, Counties, Parastatals, Education and Research Institutions, Commissions, Community & Allied Agencies (GPE)

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Sector Training Committees Events

21 September 2017
21 Sep 2017


The National Industrial Training Authority
02 October 2017
02 Oct 2017
Jamhuri Show Ground
The National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)
13 September 2017
13 Sep 2017 - 16 Sep 2017

Kabiruini Show Ground –Nyeri

In its continuing public outreach efforts the

Get In Touch

Director General, NITA
Commercial Street, Industrial Area Nairobi

  • Telephone: +254-20-2695586/9
  • Mobile No: +254-720-917897,254-736-290676,+254-772-212488
  • Email:
  • Hotline: +254-753-244676